Jul 10Liked by Ellis Weiner, Steve Radlauer

This is why we left Texas a few days ago and are now happily residing in the DC area.

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NOT SURE I CAN CONTINUE... as it reinforces all of my sickening fears about where we are and where 'we' are going. and then of course, there is the daily news to cement it... it seems like this historic collapse of this experiment , the USA, is unstoppable, regardless of who presides over it. With one, turmp, it would be enshrined into the laws of the land, and with a democrat, well, it might just make the evolution more of revolt, perhaps more violent, more angry that the country is being taken away, the need for violence much stronger. both beyond depressing. any thoughts?

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"We live in interesting times." Which doesn't mean you have to surrender. It helps to have a few other voices in your head. Here's one--Robt. Hubblell's Substack: https://tinyurl.com/2s3cx6ry

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