The final chapter of my last (small) film is titled HOMELAND SUICIDE. so of course find your ravings painfully delicious;

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Obviously it's never been about the "economy. stupid", because no one who works for a living and earns less than 150,000? a year has never and will never find any financial benefits from Republicans in power. Maybe this hasn't filtered in yet.. BUT the most serious and disheartening danger here is not the morons who support and will die for him, but the bastion of self-protective, business-above-spine who will quietly cow-tow and shut up. There's a quote, Hannah Ardent?, I'm missing...about quiet acquiescence, not liking it, but not testing it... just toning down the critique. And with that all the protestations in the world are pointless. When the people and the party in power realizes it no longer has to win popular elections, it can just control them, the consent of the population is meaningless.

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