Aug 26Liked by Steve Radlauer

Too bad the story couldn't have been changed in time to be "TRUMP AND RFK JR WILL RETURN!" because when I look into MY crystal ball, I'm seeing them trying to figure out a way to dump Shady and replace him with a turncoat Kennedy, brain worm and all. (If I were JD, I'd stay away from third-floor-and-higher windows and wouldn't accept any beverages from any of them...)

But back to our story...I can't wait to find out how they get around Lorinda's face being plastered everywhere.

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Seems to me the best way for us to deal with RFK Jr. is to ignore him, at least for the purposes of our story. Have you seen Kurt Andersen's piece in the Atlantic in which he describes buying cocaine from "Bobby" in their freshman year at Harvard? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/08/rfk-jr-endorse-trump-execute-drug-dealers/679597/

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Well, I've got MORE readin' to do! Thanks, I'm off to it right now...

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